Audio Messages Sunday, June 09 2019
Audio Message: comming INTRODUCTION: BODY OF TEXT: When I first believed in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior I memorized these scriptures as many of you probable did also. These scriptures in Romans helped me to remain faithful to the Lord. It is the Word of God that will keep us on the right path and help us to not sway from the Truth. I am being compelled today to remind the Church that God is Holy and just and loves us through His Son Jesus Christ. We many times especially today’s world to be told what is right and what is wrong. But God’s word never changes and I am not writing this to judge anyone but to help us to run the Race of Righteousness even when no one is watching or anyone is being obedient to the Word of God. When we realize that our Victory is in Jesus and not in our being Right we can have Peace with God. The Holy Spirit is the revealer of truth and when we are anxious we will struggle to hear His voice and follow His direction. Many I find are only hungry for their own satisfaction but when we realize that Jesus Paid a great price for our redemption hopefully it will help us to think about how much He loves us. Sometimes people get worked up about Church trying to control us but the Church is people like you and me with a Pastor in as Under Shepard of the Lord Jesus Christ. Not as a dictator but as a helpful guide so we gather to gain insight and wisdom from the Holy Spirit in our gathering together so we can be more effective in our communities and work places. Romans 8:37-39 nothing can or will separate us from the Love of God. When we realize this we will understand how much we are going to be able to accomplish in our walk with Jesus and the Holy Spirit and the Father is blessed and makes available to you and I great blessings that come from faithfulness to God. New Living Translation; In 1Corinthians 9:24-27 Paul tells us that we are all in a race but only one receives a prize. Don’t you realize that in a CONCLUSION: The Purpose of this message is to encourage you to realize that God is for |