Audio Messages Sunday, July 29 2018
Scriptures Bible Gateway (NASB & NIV): INTRODUCTION: What happens is that we are trying to achieve what only God is capable of doing in our lives and it is impossible to be a super Christian which is what we are trying to be. God gave His Son to be the deliverer, the healer, the savior. As Christians need to learn how to connect and flow with God the Holy Spirit instead of work at being a Christian and doing for God and let God do for us. A works oriented Christ follower is a discouraged follower because you are trying to achieve greatness in your Christian walk and work hard at reading and memorizing the word and doing good deeds with the hopes that it will please the Lord and you will have favor in your life and be full of blessings. When Abraham left the country of his father he went without any knowledge of where he was going outside of the voice of God telling him to leave his country and get away from a life style of Idol worshipers. Sometimes God is speaking to us to leave the place that people are serving themselves and don’t know the very savior you and I do. But we think that it is our job to win them over to Jesus when in fact that never happens. I will tell you why, it is because unless they leave their environment and come to the knowledge of who Jesus is they will remain in the same state that they have always been in all their lives. There are many lessons in scripture we have to be alert to see and not choose our opinions over what God says because we may be disappointed in the end results. BODY OF MESSAGE: Scripture text: Hebrews 11:1-10, Hebrews 6:7, Matthew 11:20-24, Mark 11:20-26, 1Peter 1:1-9, Philippians 4:7, Philippians 4:4-12. In the 9th verse we see something that is very interesting in the Greek and it is the word (heirs with the same promise) Greek for heirs is (sunkleronomos) from sun,”with,” klero, a “lot,” and nemomai, “to possess. Where Abraham dwelt he was joint heir with his sons and those who were with him and they all possessed the land together. In Hebrews 6:7; talks about the earth receiving blessings from God. If we are receiving from God who owns everything we are receiving ownership of the right of possession to the blessings in our lives. Matthew 11:20-24 the lesson of the fig tree on faith. It is, as Jesus said, having faith in God. Greek for faith (pistis) having conviction, confidence, trust, belief, reliance, trustworthiness, and persuasion. All this is the inward principle of a living faith having a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ that allows us to walk in the fullness of all that God has for us in our lives and then the out flow of the Holy Spirit touches the lives of people that we come to know. 1. Faith is the catalyst that drives Christianity to fulfill all that Jesus desires in us to fulfill His destiny for our lives. Mark 11:20-26; Jesus gives us the example of the kind of faith He is talking about when the fig tree that He cursed withered away. Here we see this Greek word ( pistis ) in action. Because it is not believing in what you are saying it is believing in what God is speaking to you and having a total trust in God to do what He says that He will do when you are willing to speak when the Holy Spirit gives the unction to act. One of the things we forget in these passages is in verses 25-26 where Jesus is talking about the importance of forgiveness and how it will affect our walk with God and the end result in our lives. 1 Peter 1:3-9; The passages of scripture in Peter. Express how the power of God kept (NKJ version) us. This word (kept in the Gr. is a military term picturing a sentry standing guard as protection against the enemy. We are in spiritual combat, but God’s power and peace (Phil.4:7) are our sentinels and protectors. Philippians 4:7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. If we look at Philippians 4:4-12 The Apostle Paul exhorts the Philippians to Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!! CONCLUSION: When we rely upon God alone and not on our own abilities we will see the results of faith at work in our lives. Because faith is not our ability it is God’s ability in us at working through us. It is our measure of faith connecting to a greater faith to accomplish what God has for us and it is the unseen that then becomes seen and sometimes it is not for the present day it is faith for what God will do in the future in our lives that He reveals to us as He revealed the promise to Abraham to be the father of many nations. Which, God did accomplish through His servant Abraham. God will do also the same thing in our lives if we will yield to Him. |